Tiago works as an Ecological Statistician, being a Senior Research Fellow in CREEM (University of St Andrews, UK) and an invited professor in DEIO (Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal). A biologist by training, started working with freshwater fish, but the intense and constant questions about survey design and data analysis led to an MSc and a PhD in statistics. These were about extending distance sampling methods to account for measurement error in distances and animal density gradients. From 2007 till 2010 Tiago worked full time for DECAF, a project aimed at estimating cetacean abundance and density using passive acoustic data. From 2010 to 2015 worked full time on LATTE, a project aimed at integrating information about cetacean behaviour and movement collected at various spatial and temporal scales to predict the effect of human made noise like SONAR on cetaceans. Since 2015 Tiago has been working on number of different projects, generally involving density estimation from passive acoustic data. Over the years Tiago has worked mostly with cetaceans, but also with fish, both freshwater and marine, ungulates, birds, primates, carnivores, marsupials and even plants. I have the polar bear as a “pet” species, having designed, implemented and analysed data from 2004 and 2015 surveys of the Barents Sea polar bear sub-population, and having helped in the design of a couple of additional polar bear surveys in other areas of the high Arctic. I have a wider interest in the adequate use of statistics in ecology and the dissemination of statistics to a wider public in general. Tiago Marques
